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Steps to Achieving the Perfect “Staycation”

Summer is in full swing and it’s the perfect time to indulge in a stay-at-home vacation, otherwise known as a “Staycation”!!

How to Enjoy the Perfect “Staycation”

 Over the past couple of years I’ve developed quite the penchant for travel. There’s just one, slight problem… vacation’s can be INSANELY expensive!  Which is why the booming, new trend that is “staycations” presents the perfect opportunity to satisfy your “wanderlust” cravings without breaking the bank!

Below are three necessary steps that you need to make if you want to achieve the perfect “staycation”! Enjoy!

  1. Rest & Relax

Allowing yourself to unplug, relax and unwind should be a total priority when it comes to planning your “Staycation”. Stress is arguably one of the biggest contributing factors to our overall health and wellbeing, so it’s important (and healthy) to allow ourselves time to de-compress from the week… essentially we all need to chill out every once in a while!!

How can you achieve this? Here’s what I do:

  1. Read – getting lost in a book is one of the best ways to escape reality for a bit and unwind! Some of my favourite, mindless summer reads are The Coincidence of Coconut Cake, The Rumourand Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?
  2. Rejuvenating bath with essential oils and salts – Spas can be expensive… but the health benefits are oh, so amazing!!! Create your own, aromatic atmosphere with a relaxing essential oil and salt bath!!! I’ve included a DIY recipe on the blog before using pink Himalayan salt, which you can find here!
    • Quick Tips:Lavender essential oils work best if you want to get the most out of your relaxing bath experience!! It’s notoriously used to help calm the mind and relax the body!!!
  3. Yoga –Attend a couple of drop in hot yoga or yoga sessions during your “staycation” and reap all of the benefits that these classes have to offer! Sweat out any unwanted toxins and help lengthen and strengthen your body… and relax your mind!
  4. Weleda Massage Oils – Indulge and relax with Weleda’s massage and body oils! These oils can help to soothe, relax and rejuvenate the body!! We also carry the body oil starter kit so you can test out a few different options!
  1. Indulge in Exotic Foods

 Watermelon Slushy - July 11, July 4

Personally, one of my favourite parts about vacations is trying all of the foods from different cultures!! Try experimenting in the kitchen with new, exotic recipes that you typically wouldn’t try on an everyday basis! Not to mention, cooking can be an incredibly cathartic and relaxing experience too! Here are some recipe ideas that are perfect to try out:

  1. Feeling beachy? Try this Fresh Watermelon Slushy:
  2. These Turkish Zucchini Fritters look absolutely amaaaazing!
  3. Indulge in a little Italian with Nona’s vegan sauces!! Below is pasta with vegan alfredo sauce, cooked up by Ambrosia Team member Leanna!! These sauces are delicious!! Highly recommend!


Alfredo Pasta - July 11

  1. Play Tourist

Another one of my absolute favourite parts of any vacation is the excursions! Play tourist by exploring your own city! There are so many unique and beautiful scenic sights to take in right here in Toronto and the GTA! Here are some of my favourite things to do:

  • Hiking: This is a great way to get outdoors, get some exercise and enjoy the scenery! I am a big fan of hiking the in the Hamilton/Ancaster region; specifically for its waterfalls (Tiffany Falls, Tews Falls etc).

Tiffany Falls - July 11

Bluffer’s Park in Scarborough also offers up some pretty incredible panoramic views!  The hike is very reminiscent of California trails! Yes please!

Scarborough Bluffs - July 11

***Trail Tip 101:Be sure to stock up on bulk snacks and make some homemade trailmix for the hike. Throw in mixed nuts, dried fruits..and even some chocolate for good measure! You’ll get hungry out there so be sure to come prepared!

  • Beach Days: I know it’s not exactly the tropics, but Ontario does have some pretty comparable beaches!! I love the fun, urban playful vibe of Sugar beach downtown Toronto – I’m a total sucker for the cute, pink umbrellas! It sort of reminds me of what you would find in South Beach! Downside? You can’t actually swim here! It’s more of a “enjoy the umbrellas and read” type of beach!

Sugar Beach - July 11

The Scarbourgh Bluffs is also an insanely gorgeous beach destination for us Ontarians; surrounded by the most beautiful cliffs, it’s hard to believe you’re just outside of the city!

Cliffs - July 11

If you’re willing to make a bit of a trek… check out either Grand Bend or Tobermory (often highly touted as being the Canadian Caribbean!!).  It’s well worth the drive!!!

*** Beach Tips 101:For some of our favourite beach appropriate snacks, click here ( ) and for our sunscreen tips click here

  • Explore the City: Sign up for a walking tour, head to the Toronto islands or hitch a ride on one of those cheesy double deck tour buses! There’s guaranteed a ton of information that you don’t know about the very city that you live in! This is a fun, interesting way to get to know your surroundings!

Toronto - July 11

What are your favourite “Staycation” tips?!

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