This past Sunday, we celebrated the Holiday Season with our annual Ambrosia Staff Party!! In between all of the games, prizes, food and fun….we somehow managed to snap a few pics here and there, of which we’re sharing with all of you today! ENJOY!
Ps. Need tips to help survive YOUR Holiday Office Party? Check out our three health tips HERE!
‘Tis The Season To Be Jolly! Ambrosia’s Holiday Party 2016 – Brit, Team Ambrosia
The holidays are a great opportunity to celebrate the year with those who surround you… like your co-workers… which is exactly what we did on Sunday at our annual Ambrosia Staff Party! Yes, despite “Snow-mageddon 2016” Team Ambrosia managed to muster up all of our collective strength to brave the elements and celebrate the holidays in true style… ‘tis the season after all!!
I was particularly excited because this was my very first Holiday Office Party with Team Ambrosia, and let me assure you it did NOT disappoint!
Here’s a few of my favourite snaps taken throughout the evening! PS. You MAY not recognize us without our infamous purple Ambrosia uniforms (even I had to do a couple of double takes!!!!)… but I promise, it IS absolutely us!!
Nutrition Adviser Arin & myself in the lobby… how gorgeous is this tree?! Forewarning… a majority of the photos snapped from this evening are in this very lobby because I was obsessed with it!
Below is one of our resident Chalk Artists Joe! He was sketching up a storm during the party and I can’t WAIT for all of you to see his vision of our party in chalk artwork form! It is quite beautiful… be on the lookout, because we’ll be posting it on social media!
Some of the wonderful staff at Vaughan sitting at one of our tables! I was a MAJOR fan of the candy sprinkled on all of our settings… but don’t worry, we DID have plenty of healthy and vegan options to chow down on too – we’re a Health Food Store after all!!!
Some of our Vaughan and Thornhill store managers getting in the holiday spirit! Laura and Gill (Below; second and fourth from the left, respectively) were the brilliant minds behind this years’ holiday party and planned EVERYTHING!!!! Thanks guys! You know how to throw a party!
Because no Holiday Party is complete without GAMES!!!! We played guess how many candies are in a jar, Secret Santa etc. Here is our super sought after prize table that our Marketing Manager Gillian organized and led!!!
Myself and Liana from Vaughan! The self-proclaimed “Seminar Team”! Liana helps me organize all of the seminars conducted at Vaughan! She’s the one signing everyone in at the front J and BELOW, I’m with Janice! Another familiar face here at Ambrosia, our Thornhill customer service cashier!
A couple of the tables sitting down to our fabulous dinner…. Pasta, stuffed peppers, steak, chicken, grilled veggies, salad… you name it… we likely consumed it! DELICIOUS!
I had to add another “lobby” pic for good measure… that tree and the holiday décor were just so gosh darn cute!
Happy Holidays From ALL of us here at Ambrosia!