The mad gift scramble is officially ON! Yes…Christmas is merely five incredibly short days away (and you know that time is simply going to FLY by), so be sure to drop by Ambrosia to pick up any last minute gifts so that you can stuff that stocking up to the brim!
If you’re still lacking in the whole actual gift department… be sure to check out our Spa, Fitness, Foodie and Beauty Lover’s Gift Guide (which you can find HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE respectively!).
Stuff Those STOCKINGS! 10 Last Minute Stuffers! – Brit, Team Ambrosia
Stockings are kind of my jam. They are my favourite thing to both receive and gift on Christmas morning, because you can put so much thought and effort into them, and really get super creative! Below are ten of my completely foolproof picks to help curate the most perfect stocking this holiday season!
10 Stocking Stuffers You NEED this Christmas!!
Holiday Teas
We carry a couple of different holiday tea’s at our Thornhill and Vaughan locations! The champagne, copper tone of the Lemon Lily Holiday Teas at our Thornhill location will most definitely put you in the Christmas spirit! Their packaging is always pretty on point, however these particular holiday varieties are simply stunning, and will for SURE make for a great stocking stuffer addition! Not to mention, these teas are certified organic and are based out of Toronto! At Vaughan AND Thornhill, we carry both Celestial and Stash Holiday Tea varieties…. some notable flavours are Christmas in Paris or Christmas Morning!
Jason Body Lotions
Body lotions are definitely one of the more tried-and-true, quintessential stocking stuffers! Hey, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it am I right?! These are great, practical stocking stuffers… that might I add, are totally on SALE until the end of December for $3.33 each! Pick up a couple different varieties to help fill that stocking up!
Zazubean Holiday Chocolate Bars
Zazubean’s holiday chocolate cars are named after Santa’s Reindeer!!! Blitzen, Dasher, Vixen… almost the whole gang is here! Well at least half of them…. This is another great example of holiday packaging gone completely AMAZING! I love these little guys, and the fact that they’re made utilizing 100% certified organic and fair-trade ingredients is just icing on top of the cake!
Natural Toothpaste
Another practical, yet totally necessary, stocking stuffer idea! This one is especially a “goodie” for those of you making stockings for your kids at college or university! When I was in university, receiving useful gifts in my stocking like toothpaste, deodorant, or hair-care products etc was honestly such a HUGE help!
Kiss My Face Holiday Soaps
The ‘“Olive” The Season’ variety from Kiss My Face is certified Non-GMO, and made from 86% Pure Olive Oil! Each package comes with three bars of festive green soap that you can simply throw on in the ol’ stocking as a great topper upper!
Again, you may not think this is super exciting as a stocking stuffer, but it TOTALLY is! Especially when you have the variety that we have right here at Ambrosia! You can choose from sprays, crystals, sticks, “sport specific”… all OBVIOUSLY organic or natural of course! Stock up on a few different varieties for your kiddos living away from home! Trust me, they’ll thank you for it!
Zimt Artisan Chocolate
I’m obviously a fan of trying to select gifts that give back (for products here at Ambrosia that do just that, click HERE), and Zimt chocolates helps to achieve this by donating 1% of all of their proceeds to charities and people in need. Not to mention, their products are vegan, sweetened only by coconut sugar and coconut nectar, and their packaging is biodegradable to boot!
Organika Charcoal Mask
This product is essentially like multiple gifts all rolled into one super chic package. Organika’s all-natural activated charcoal powder is a facemask, digestive cleanse AND a teeth whitener! It’s completely versatile and the perfect stuffer for anyone who is a beauty junkie!
Camino Chocolate Santa
In case you hadn’t already noticed, chocolate has popped a few different times on this stocking stuffer list… and for good reason… stockings were MADE for TONS of treats! As a kid, my mom would fill my stocking so full with sweets that I was practically on a steady sugar high for a good three days post-Christmas…
Luckily, these days we have a pretty vast selection of “better for you” alternatives so that you can still stuff your stocking with treats and feel a little less guilty while doing it. This Chocolate Santa from Camino is a fine example of one of these “better for you” alternatives! It’s a Canadian brand of fair-trade, organic chocolates that just so happens to have the most adorable chocolate Santa I ever did see!
Essential Oils
There are about a ga-jillion different essential oils for a whole host of different, incredibly versatile uses! If you’re friend or loved one is into essential oils, or has an essential oil diffuser, this is a great opportunity to stock up on some fun, unique scents! OR get a newbie totally hooked on essential oils altogether!
What are you stuffing your stockings with this year?!