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How to Elevate Soup in a Can!

In case this incredibly cold weather wasn’t enough of an indication, we are KNEE DEEP in “Soup Season” here in Ontario… Which is totally fine by us, because soup just so happens to be one of our absolute, favourite meals; obviously, we have Amy’s Organic Soups on SALE this entire month! So to help YOU get the most out of this special, and for an excuse to eat a whole TON of soup, we’re sharing three ways to elevate pre-made soup! Enjoy!

Soup in a Can… 3 Ways! – Brit, Team Ambrosia

A hot bowl of tomato soup paired with an ooey, gooey grilled cheese sandwich is quite possibly THE single best invention on the entire face of this planet. – okay, I may be exaggerating just a tad, but let’s be real… it’s up there, right?!

Aside from the fact that soup is obviously incredibly delicious, one of my favourite things about soup is that it is SO incredibly easy for a quick, delicious and nutritious meal! I mean, all you have to do is warm it up over the stovetop, and PRESTO…. You’re all done!

But for those instances where you’d like to kick up the flavour factor that much MORE, there’s a couple, easy tips and tricks you should keep in mind!

But FIRST…. Before we get into the whole recipe renovation, I wanted to delve a bit into what exactly makes Amys’ Soups so fantastic to begin with!

In fact… Did YOU know that Amy’s Kitchen was actually one of the leading pioneers in the organic food industry and certification process?! Yep! Amy’s was organic, before a national organic certification even existed, so the U.S. Department of Agriculture actually turned to Amy’s in order to gain insight into the process of utilizing whole, clean foods in products, and how they should be certified!

Furthermore, all of Amy’s Kitchen products – soups included! – are GMO-Free, and their soup cans were the first to market with non-BPA-lined cans!

That’s a whole lotta of firsts!

Not to mention, the fine people over at Amy’s tastes literally each carrot, mushroom and every vegetable that they grow, to ensure that there food is, above all, delicious! Uhm… can I be on the taste test team?!

So without further adieu, I give you three simple ways to elevate 3 different soup can flavours!

Amy’s Tomato Soup

  • Option One: Garnish your soup with sautéed chopped bacon and onion
  • Option Two: To make this a chunky tomato soup, simply add a can of diced tomatoes
  • Option Three: Add sautéed onion, garlic, kale, and a dash of lemon

Amy’s Butternut Squash Soup

  • Option One: Top your butternut squash soup with fruits (I’m thinking pomegranate seeds, or diced apples or pear would be best… OR all three!!!!)
  • Option Two: Top with candied or roasted nuts of your choice!
  • Option Three: Add a little bit of cheese! I think that blue or gorgonzola would be your best option here, to add even more dimension – go with a cheese and fruit combo!

Amy’s Split Pea Soup

  • Option One: Crisp ham or prosciutto in a separate pan, and add this as a garnish
  • Option Two: Add a dollop of sour cream and homemade croutons
  • Option Three: To make this hearty soup even heartier, add cooked, cubed potatoes… and then top with the prosciutto from option one! LIFE CHANGING!

How do you like to elevate your canned soup?!