Last week, two of our Team Ambrosia members were lucky enough to attend a LARABAR cooking class…. hosted by THE Lara herself! And today, we’re sharing some of their favourite BTS moments from the event! Enjoy!
Cooking With Lara: The LARABAR Cooking Experience – Brit, Team Ambrosia
Meeting Lara was a total “Hashtag Health Food Store ‘Fan Girl’ Moment!” – wow, what a mouthful – I actually had NO idea that Lara herself would be instructing us during the lesson, so it was an incredibly pleasant surprise to find her standing at the front of the studio upon entering the room!
What was even MORE of a pleasant surprise was to hear exactly how LARABAR was created… in her kitchen with a Vitamix! That’s right, the incredibly successful [& delicious] LARABAR Company started in the kitchen of a Colorado hiking and fitness enthusiast! Lara explained that she wanted a bar that was wholesome, tasty and convenient; something that at the time, was not available on the shelves of grocery stores!
Lara began experimenting with several different whole, natural and simple ingredients until finally she decided upon five varieties with that magic combination: always with the classic, date base! And the rest… is history! Fun Fact of the Day: Lara STILL keeps that same Vitamix in her kitchen!!
Below are some of the pictures from this incredibly awesome event:
How cute was the décor at the cooking studio?! The class was held at a studio called NellaCucina downtown Toronto!
Our “Cooking Station!” Each pair received a food processor, almonds, vegan chocolate chips, dates and even more to make our LARABAR bites! PS. The flowers and apron were a pretty nice touch too!
Ambrosia Marketing Manager Gill and myself getting ready to make our tasty LARABAR bites!
Lara instructing our class! What a surreal experience: she was a GREAT instructor, and visited each station to ensure that we got it right!
The finished product!!! Not too shabby if I do say so myself… plus they were absolutely DELICIOUS to boot! It was a sweet treat… sans the post-consumption feeling of guilt!
Have you ever tried any LARABAR products?!