Welcome to our second gift guide in our 2016 Holiday Series! How did you guys’ like last week’s, “Spa Lover’s” gift ideas?! If you haven’t checked it out yet, be sure to click HERE!
This week, it’s all about spoiling the “Fitness Fanatic” in your life! Whether you’re shopping for a gym “newbie” or a bonafide fitness groupie, we’ve got something on this list for everyone who considers a FitBit to be a glamorous accessory! Enjoy!
The Fitness Fanatics Gift Guide – Brit, Team Ambrosia
Don’t you just LOVE this time of the year?! I am having SO much fun creating these gift guides for all of you, and this weeks’ is no different! As much as I love fitness myself, shopping for an actual fitness buff can be somewhat challenging, what with potential diet restrictions or simply just NOT knowing what to get for them!
Well, luckily for YOU Ambrosia just so happens to carry about, oh I don’t know, a MILLION products perfectly tailored to athletic individuals of the like… and I’m narrowing it down to some of my favourites today!
- Food Containers – Meal prep or food preparation is often a really integral component of the fitness enthusiasts’ lifestyle, especially if your friend or loved one competes in fitness competitions regularly! Food prep can help save money, save time and ensure that you’re eating well balanced meals! Ambrosia offers a couple of different food containers that would be perfect for the fitness lover on your list… particularly:
- Onyx – these airtight, stainless steel containers offer up a great alternative to the more conventional plastic food containers out there on the market!
- Preserve – I love how colourful these food containers are! Preserve food containers are made from 100% recycled #5 plastic materials – meaning they’re healthier, non-toxic plastics!
- Body Wash – Okay so let’s be real, this gift is for both the gift receiver AND the “gifter”… because honestly nobody wants a smelly gym buff living in their space! Body washes are seriously the best stocking stuffers, and we have a huge variety here at Ambrosia for both men and women! Great Gift Alert: Instead of a your traditional stocking, why not invest in a great gym bag, fill it with items like body wash, natural deodorant, protein bars etc and gift this to the gym lover in your life!!! You’re welcome for that one!
- Boiron Arnica Cream or Gel – Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are most definitely no stranger to muscle aches… so why not get them a little something to help them out with it?! AKA Boiron Arnica Cream. This homeopathic, natural cream helps to ease muscle pain and alleviate swelling and bruising associated with sport injury!
- Health and Fitness Books – I personally am a MAJOR book worm so I would welcome any and ALL types of books for the holidays. Now while I understand that books may not seem like the most exciting gift in the world, truth be told there are some REALLY great ones out there that offer up some incredibly useful information that will surely be helpful to any fitness enthusiast!
- Think Sport Water Bottles – Because obviously you need to keep hydrated when you’re working out! I’m kind of obsessed with these super fashionable, trendy water bottles! Especially the matte black variety. This particular water bottle is 100% BPA and chemical free. What’s BPA you might ask? Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical that has been shown to cause disruptions in our endocrine system. No thanks!
- Gym Snacks – If there’s one thing that I’ve learned from my friends in the fitness industry, it’s that they’re literally ALWAYS hungry! However, I find that many times there’s a bit of a misconception when it comes to different methods of fueling your body! Take for instance the concept of bulking… where gym enthusiasts often take this time as an excuse to eat pounds and pounds of hamburgers and fries all in the name of “getting gains” further down the road. Uhm…. No. Your body needs proper, healthy proteins and fats in order to build and maintain muscle. Stock up on sport bars, bites, and healthy gym snacks to get your loved one “gains”…. Naturally.
- Epsom Salts – Similar to the arnica cream, Epsom salts help to alleviate muscle aches and pains… except you get to soak in a nice, relaxing warm bath while doing it! Fitness activity is essential to your overall health and wellbeing, but working out can put a strain on your body – and a hot soak in the tub with some salts will always do the trick!
- Ambrosia Gift Card – Let’s be real… people, myself included, LOVE getting gift cards!! This way, the fitness fanatic in your life can truly get exactly what they want in order to suit their needs and requirements to help achieve their fitness goals! Trust me; you seriously can’t go wrong with one of these bad boys.
What are you getting your fitness fanatic?!