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5 Ways to Celebrate NYE at Home!

New Years’ Eve is arguably the BIGGEST celebration of the entire year! It’s a time where you get to reflect on both the past years’ successes & failures… learn from them & look forward toward a brand new and exciting chapter! And although we’re excited for everything that comes with a fresh new start, we’re not necessarily excited for all the hype and pressure that comes with deciding exactly how to spend NYE! SO we decided to forgo the pressure of attending a big, glamorous party entirely and explore different ways to celebrate New Years’ Eve casually… at home! ENJOY!

A Complete Guide to Celebrating NYE at Home!

Hello, hello! I hope that you all had a spectacular Christmas & Holiday over the past couple of days. Although some of you may be a little bit sad that Christmas has already come & gone (I seriously cannot believe it myself), there is STILL New Years to look forward to!! Woohoo!

Now contrary to popular opinion, I am actually one of those people that have a bit of distaste for ushering in a brand new year! I honestly feel like the pressure synonymous with NYE is just way too much – like WAY too much! I’m typically filled with all sorts of nervous anxiety & tension either to find the perfect dress, the perfect party, or become the perfect person once the clock strikes midnight. I mean.. it is all just WAY TOO MUCH in my humble opinion!

SO a couple of years back I decided to throw the whole NYE Party thing right out the window & opt for a casual night IN celebrating with friends or family. This didn’t completely eradicate all of my NYE anxieties but it sure helped a TON & I find that this is a much more enjoyable way to spend celebrating a new year! And in an effort to share some of this wonderful, holiday wisdom with all of YOU I wanted to go over a few different ways you too can spend NYE in… and still have fun!

 1. Spa Night

What better way to ease any New Years’ stress and anxiety than by hosting an at-home spa night with your friends?! This is a great way to set the tone for a more relaxed, peaceful year – I seriously can’t think of a better way to usher in 2018 than by sporting a plush robe and a rejuvenating facemask! Anyone else?! New year, more relaxed me!

So what do you need to make this happen? I’m thinking a Himalayan Salt Lamp or an Essential Oil diffuser will really help to create a Zen, relaxed atmosphere and then a few spa items (obviously) to complete your night! You’re in LUCK because we currently have our Mini Himalayan Salt Lamps on SALE this month, along with dead sea soap bars, mud masks, and activated charcoal all from Elore Naturals!

2. Bake-Off

I love the idea of hosting a New Years Eve “Bake Off” with friends! I’ve done this before with Christmas and we all had a really great time, so I can only imagine it would be the same for New Years’ Eve! Have your friends come equip with all of their baking necessities & ingredients & bake until your little hearts content! You can even hand out ballot cards to score each of the delectable desserts and make it super official!

We have a HUGE variety of baking supplies and bulk goodies ranging from gluten-free to organic to vegan and everything in between! And… if all fails and nobody bakes anything worth consuming (hey – it happens!) – you can always pick up a Daiya Cheezecake for backup… which are on SALE this month!

 3. Board Game Night

Parties are all about the entertainment factor, and hosting a game night with friends will bring the entertainment factor in a MAJOR way! Have all of your friends bring a board game that they have lying around their house, set up board game stations, divide your friends into groups and have them go around to each station throughout the evening so they eventually play all the games!

You’re obviously going to need snacks & sips to help fuel you through the evening, and I think that we can help you out with that! Dry roasted deluxe mixed nuts AND chocolate covered almonds are both on sale this month, same with Terra Vegetable Chips, Daiya Cheesecake & TONS of chocolate! Fill up a few bowls with these snacks and you are good to GO!

 4. Movie Night

Create an EPIC movie list for a movie night NYE marathon! You can go about this two different ways – either make a list of all of the BEST movies of 2017 (look to Golden Globe nominations for inspiration), OR binge watch NYE themed movies! I’ve taken it upon myself to curate a list for your movie night in marathon!

Best Movies of 2017 – I looked into award nominations to help make this list!

  • Coco
  • Dunkirk
  • Get Out
  • Star Wars – the Last Jedi
  • The Big Sick


  • Ghostbusters II
  • Trading Places
  • Bridget Jones’ Diary
  • New Years’ Eve
  • Poseidon

PS. Obviously – snacks are ESSENTIAL for movie night! Like I mentioned, we have some pretty incredible snack sales going on right now – Dry roasted deluxe mixed nuts, chocolate covered almonds, Terra Vegetable Chips, Daiya Cheesecake & chocolate! You could ALSO create a DIY popcorn bar, which you can read all about HERE!

5. Scavenger Hunt

This one is PERFECT for kids on NYE! Simply create a list of fun items for your kids to search for and let them embark on a journey in search of all of their items! Be sure to include natural and organic candies on there, and let them eat it at the end for a fun reward for finishing the hunt!

 So… will you be trying any of these?! Are you a fan of NYE?